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Know Your Place Drug Rehab and procedure

Posted by DRUG REHAB


Know Your Place Drug Rehab and procedure?
Users and drug addicts in Indonesia are increasing from year to year and are already in poor condition, making Indonesia rushes to save succeeding generations through a rehabilitation program for the users and addicts as well as legal proceedings for pengedarnya. 

For the problem of rehabilitation, has been listed in Article 54 of Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics, follow up on it, also issued Circular Letter of the Supreme Court (SEMA) No. 4 of 2010 on the placement peyalahguna, victims of drug abuse in the medical and social institutions. Reinforced with government support that is not half-half then also issued Government Regulation (PP) No. 25 of 2011 on the Implementation of the Obligation Report Narcotic addict to get treatment and rehabilitation services. Then Minister of Health, Minister of Health issued a decree (Kepmenkes) No. 1305 / Minister of Health / SK / VI / 2011 which pointed IPWL 131 in 33 provinces. 

Act, SEMA and the PP as a concrete step in the government's efforts to save future generations from the shackles of narcotics and other drugs, so Indonesian people do not experience more than the Lost Generation, the effort is done to victims of drug abuse and addicts recover and gain the right to live their lives back to normal again and socialize with the community as usual. Then the medical and social rehabilitation really is no container, for residents who are able or not able to be served the same, as proof that humane care and keleuargaan. 

For the first step, in order to rehabilitation services from the government, quoted from the brochure BNN about rehabilitation, residents are required to report, there are two ways IPWL BNN reporting mechanisms, including: 

Voluntary, self-reported addicts on consciousness itself, will first undergo an assessment to undergo interviews, observation, physical examination, psychological, in order to get information and history addict as backing material for subsequent therapy. Completed assessments, undergo the process of administration and placed in treatment centers and rehabilitation that have been agreed without due process of law. 
Program Obligation Report suspect, those addicts who have dealt with the investigator, will undergo assessment in advance, if shown to be associated with a drug crime network, it will be prosecuted. 
Rehabilitation requirements are very easy for the administration, only the necessary files as follows: 

Copy of Family Card (KK) 
Copy of ID prospective resident (Patient Rehab) and Parents 
4 X 6 Photograph as much as two pieces 
6,000 stamp duty of two sheets 
For residents with court decisions, are required to bring a complete file court decision. 
Criteria resident who can be rehabilitated in Unit T & R BNN 

Prospective residents are active users with the last usage is less than 12 months following a positive urine test, if the last use of less than 3 months, are required to attach a letter from your doctor stating that the person concerned is a drug user. 

Aged 15-40 Years, If less daroi 15 years only undergo detoksiffikasi and entry units. 

Not pregnant (For prospective resident women) 

Not suffer physical penyakir (Diabetes Mellitus, Stroke, Heart) and chronic psychological (Which can be annoying programs) 

Prospective resident came accompanied by a parent / guardian 

If involved in legal affairs, prospective resident must have a court decree. 

Candidates resident of court decision must be accompanied by the court. 

Terms Rehabilitation 

Coaching future resident for 6 months include detoxification, entry units, primary program, the re-entry. Before the entire program, residents are not allowed to return home. 
During detoxification and entry in the unit, the resident can not be contacted or visited. Family and resident facilitated communication BNN. 
Resident can be visited if it is through the primary phase and re-entry 
If the resident escaped from the institution and returned to the family, the family must report to Unit T & R BNN and drove him back to undergo a rehabilitation process. 
The conditions under which government-provided rehabilitation must be very comfortable and clean. Atmosphere concept of location and its officers at home because of family carries. 

In addition to the rehabilitation provided by the government, there is also a rehabilitation center established by community self-reliance, a rehabilitation established by the community they are usually moved by the situation in the area which was very alarming to the number of drug users are increasing. For example, Drug Rehabilitation Galilee established by Dodi Sitepu in Central Kalimantan, a former user who now concerned about the drug problem. 

Dodi were originally a dealer who penetrated Medan, Bandung and Jakarta, in 1999 after marrying Dodi consistently stop using drugs and undergo detoxification in RSKO Fatmawati and undergo rehabilitation until Year 2001, Year 2002 Dodi recover and live a social and spiritual rehabilitation in Borneo on advice of his mentor. In Central Kalimantan circulation meth rampant and widespread, it is this which makes Dodi moved to set up a rehabilitation center. 

Experienced a lot of challenges in the process of establishment Dodi rehab is, moreover he is the former user so difficult to change the paradigm of people who think the drug as a disgrace, what the Dodi and volunteers sometimes rejection. But over time, people began to understand and not stiff anymore. Dodi also often experience the terror of dealers but it is regarded as normal and to be faced with elegance. Physical and spiritual sacrifice not be a problem for Dodi, for the existence of these homes still stand in helping others in need, because many families can not afford the treatment and Dodi often want to sell their investments to patch the operational needs of the institution. His wife had come down to cook for the residents, despite existing in a nursing mother's kitchen. What is done Dodi course based on sincerity. 

Drug Rehabilitation Galilee listed in the Social Service on May 28, 2002, had the goal to rescue equip the next generation with the skills to work and appropriate spiritual deepening conviction resident, Galilee has a religious-based program and the Therapeutic Community (TC). In the aftercare program geared to deepen expertise resident who would be hers if it is returned to the community. For example, raising sieve, gardening pineapple and learn how to run a workshop. The efforts of Dodi, the Year 2010 award mendapatlan Galilee Primary Residents of BNN. 

Facilities owned Galilee also has a standard, there are offices, meeting rooms, male and female dormitories, a kitchen, operational vehicles, pavilion and other support. While the administrators, including health workers, psychologists, spiritual advisor and administrative staff. Procedure if you want to be rehabilitated in these homes, simply provide a copy KK, ID cards and meet other administrative provisions. After that undergo assessment and make a statement prepared for this rehabilitation program. 

Step Dodi very helpful government programs in an effort to rescue victims of drug abuse in the region of Borneo, with the help and guidance of the BNN is more sustainable homes with excellent programs that can foster resident of starting treatment early to sustainable aftercare so resident when plunging into the wider community, will not have a sense of inferiority, even had a strong sense of confidence because it has the ability to maximize the provision and its action on both life after recovering from drug addiction. 

By knowing the condition of drug rehab and rehabilitation process, are expected to be community has a broader view of the importance of rehabilitation for addicts. That when undergoing the process of rehabilitation, not scary as imagined community in general. That procedure in drug rehabilitation is something that helps the community and ease. 

Steps taken by Dodi, as citizens who have a concern for people who want to recover from drug addiction but do not have the funds, may be applied also for whoever and wherever citizens are equally engaged to perform real action to save the next generation through the healing for victims of abuse drugs. 

All people can work together with various institutions or government to be equally engaged in the rescue effort the next generation of drug entrapment. 

So that people can work together, must be socialized rehabilitation procedures and conditions of the rehabilitation. If people already know the purpose of the rehabilitation process, it is not impossible that they would regard this as a fundamental requirement that the environment in which they can be saved from the effects of drugs are always contagious and easily spread. Of course this is very troubling. For fear of children or other family members affected poor condition of these drugs. 

Socialization of rehabilitation and the rehabilitation process that continues to be implemented will provide education about the drug itself completely from the counselors or volunteers who unloaded. The drug problem has become a problem all parties, automatically become the responsibility of all parties. Both communities, governments or institutions. Inspiration Dodi who founded the Galilee one step Rehabilitation evidence of synergy with the government and employers, Dodi founded the orphanage supported by entrepreneurs with a given piece of land to establish a Rehabilitation banguna Galilee. After walking, Dodi also seek the government that contributed to the Dodi step, the government through the BNN support by providing a variety of measurable referral program and easy to implement by the Galilee and who are resident there. Confidence and hard work Dodi also determine the success of the establishment of this Institution. In essence, there is no maximum results if there is no struggle, Dodi who has sacrificed physically and spiritually, meneroima terror of dealers, showed that the mental attitude of the steel was necessary in order to enforce this truth. Dodi was not afraid of this, because of the strong belief, if well-intentioned out there must be a lot of supporters who keep him away from things that are not desirable. 

To realize these contributions is not enough only intention, if we do not have the capacity to perform actions such as Dodi, we can assist government efforts in Indonesia Rushing program, by contributing to socialize about the dangers of drug abuse, introducing how the rehabilitation process and introduces how the condition of the place, where addicts who want to recover must report to get free service and decent service. 

By helping the government to socialize it, will provide positive changes for some communities through small steps that we did together. If we can, do and find that cooperation can be invited to what we want to convey to the public good can be obtained and can be digested easily so that the Lost Generation will be prevented. Indonesia in 2015 can be achieved drug free

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