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Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts In The Solution | Drug Rehab

Posted by DRUG REHAB


Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts In The Solution ?
The more days, the number of victims of drug abuse showed an increase. based on data from BNN number of drug addicts in 2010 reached 3.6 million people and is expected to rise again in 2013 to 4.5 million. They also come from a variety of backgrounds ranging from lower class to upper class, and they also come from various ages, from children to the elderly though. If this is allowed to proceed continuously, is not likely to destroy the next generation in the future. 

Along with its development, the government has enacted Law No. 35 Year 2009 on Narcotics. In this Act states that every drug user after the court verdict proved not distribute or produce the drug, in this case they are only limited user, then they are entitled to apply to get rehabilitation services. Seeing this, this Act provides an opportunity for the addict who has been mired in drug abuse in order to be free of the condition and can return to continue his life in a healthy and normal. 

And in fact in some cases arrest drug addicts, they proved to be involved in the trafficking of drugs, in other words they are just as users only. For such cases, after the verdict was decided then the user may be referred for rehabilitation both medically and socially. 

Which is still an obstacle now is that sometimes the new drug users think about rehabilitation after they caught law, when they should want it tangled legal or not, every drug users should be getting through a rehabilitation pertologan. Hence the need for attention from the surrounding environment, especially the family as the immediate environment to be sensitive to their family members, if there are exposed cases of drug abuse, act immediately start looking for an agency for the rehabilitation of drug addicts.

PSPP: Galina Pakuan is one rehab drug abuse which is under the Ministry of Social Affairs in the city of Bogor. This orphanage hosted services and social rehabilitation of drug abuse in the nursing system using a multidisciplinary approach, curative, rehabilitative, promotive basic knowledge in the form of guidance, physical education, mental, social, vocational training, and social reintegration for former victims of further guidance narcotics and psychotropic users dependence syndrome to be able to independently and actively participate in social life. Through the existence of rehab is expected to bring the users and former drug users to their social functions in order to continue his life in a healthy and normal

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