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the Types and Dangers of Narcotics

Posted by DRUG REHAB


Know the Types and Dangers of Narcotics?
So far we only know of narcotics hear it without knowing the origin and type in detail. So when I want to know how the current drug users are still floating undermined, between belief and skepticism harmful to the body against the effects of this drug. Because mengambangnya knowledge about this drug alone, then when we want to socialize about the dangers of drug abuse will not be maximized delivery. Thus the basic knowledge of drugs need to be studied properly. 

On the following occasions Training On Trainer (TOT) for representative BNN BNNP throughout Indonesia in Jakarta Hotel Neo, the last in March 2014, with sources Dra.Riza Sarasvita, Msi, MHS, PhD, of the Ministry of Health, gain insight into the shared terminology narcotics into 4 parts, including: 

1 Terminology 1 
1 In the terminology described Ms. Riza, referring to Law 35/2009, the definition of Narcotics are drugs derived from plants or not and the synthesis or semi-synthesis which can lead to a decrease or change in consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to relieve pain and can menimbulkanm dependence. 

In this case, the classification of the Narcotics Act is not in line with the existing terminology in pharmacology, so that can be used as the basis for their use is the magnitude of the problem. 

2 Terminology 2 

Narcotics comes from the Greek word meaning Narkotikos any medication that could induce to tidur.Selalu interpreted in a more limited scope, yaklni opioda. In the legal context, as compounds that are often misused and is addictive. 

3 Terminology 3 

Substance dependence (Narcotics) according to Law No. 35/2009 is characterized by a continuous impulse with increasing doses to produce the same effect and if use is reduced or stopped suddenly, will cause physical symptoms are typical. 

This happens because the repeated use of substances on a regular basis so that symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. This situation can occur even for therapeutic purposes. 

4 Terminology 4 

In 1987, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) uses the term substance dependence for uncontrollable use of a substance commonly known as addiction. The term Addiction abandoned because of the negative connotation for patients. 

Classification of Psychoactive Substances (PPDGJ III) are as follows: 

1 Alcohol: Air-ethanol beverages such as beer, whiskey, vodka, brem, wine, saguer, ciu and wine. 
2 Opiodia: Opium, morphine, heroin, pethidine, codeine and methadone. 
3 cannabinoids: Cannabis, or marijuana, hashih. 
4. Sedatives and hypnotics: nitrazepam, klonasepam, bromazepam. 
5. Cocaine: Leaves Koka, cocaine paste, powder cocaine 
6 other stimulants: caffeine, methamphetamine, MDMA. 
7 Hallucinogens: LSD, mescaline, psilosin, psilosibin. 
8 Tobacco contains nicotine psikoatif. 
9. inhalants or volatile solvent, such as oil paint, glue and acetone. 

As we should know, that for some classes of Narcotics, one side has benefits as a supporter of science and medicine, so that the rules are clear and measurable, and does not cause unwanted problems, it is regulated in Law 35/2009, which explains the rules in the classification as follows: 

Group I: opium, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, metakualon, methamphetamine, MDMA, STP and fensiklidin. 
Banned from use for the benefit of health care, because the consequences are too risky and would harm the long-term effects for the individual. 

But in the limited amount can be used for the development of science and technology and for diagnostic reagents, laboratory reagents and after getting the approval of the minister on the recommendation of the head of FDA as listed in Section 8. 

Group II: morphine, pethidine, methadone 

This class II narcotic high potential causes dependence, if used as a treatment, it can be used as a last option. 

Group III: codeine, bufrenorfin 

Usually used in light therapy because of the potential to cause dependence. 

All substances contained in the Narcotics Psychoactive, according to Ms. Riza, giving effect according to the wearer's pleasure, will affect the workings of the brain and behavioral changes that eventually will become a more active or become sluggish, feeling (euphoria), thought processes become faster or slower , content of thought (delusions), perception (hallucinations), consciousness (decreased or more standby). When the excess consumption of psychoactive substances, acute intoxication will happen to overdose. 

Society needs to be given to introduce lighting ranging from types, classification and function of the drug in human life. Should be understood as narcotics also play a role in the development of science and technology as well as medical treatment. 

Efforts to prevent drug abuse through education approach, the introduction of the type of drug and the danger will be more efficient in the formation of public understanding about the process easy for physical changes due to worsening drug is consumed. In addition to educational approaches, it is also necessary spiritual approach and helpful activities within the community. 

For example, to target young people, can be focused in a craft activity, provided him with the expertise that can be hers in the future, so he was busy with preparations for his future, to learn useful things. So they do not have time anymore to try narcotics and other illegal drugs. 

For those who are already addicted, should be rehabilitated if not caught as a criminal matter or other criminal traffickers. Thus, the addicts can be saved and get a chance to live a new life with work better. For targets Indonesia in 2015 for drug-free Indonesia, steps to educate the public about the dangers of drug abuse and illicit drugs should be encouraged. Can be done individually, or in collaboration with a group of competent speakers and a body that supports anti-drug abuse.

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